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JANUARY 31, 2025

Liftgate Cylinder Repair: Seal Kit or Replacement?

Liftgate Cylinder Repair with man and options

When a liftgate cylinder starts leaking or losing pressure, many customers immediately look for a quick and cost-effective fix to repair their liftgate—seal kits. Of course, many customers looking for a quick liftgate repair consider seal kits because they appear to be an attractive solution, but these come with risks, uncertainties, and hidden costs.

Here at LiftGateMe, we aim to ensure you get what you need to keep your business running, and this is why we invite you to keep reading. We believe understanding the challenges of using seal kits can help you make the right decision for your liftgate’s performance and longevity.

Here's what you'll learn in this blog post:

  • What Are Liftgate Seal Kits?
  • The Challenges with Seal Kits
  • The Best Alternative: Replace the Cylinder
  • Comparison of Seal Kits vs Cylinder Replacement
  • Some Final Thoughts on Seal Kits

What Are Liftgate Seal Kits?

Liftgate seal kits are designed to stop leaking cylinders by replacing worn-out seals inside hydraulic cylinders. In theory, installing a seal kit should restore cylinder performance and prevent further fluid loss.

However, in practice, seal kits often fail due to improper fit, hidden internal damage, or the wear and tear that naturally occurs over time. This is why LiftGateMe, along with many liftgate repair professionals and manufacturers, recommend alternative solutions.

The Challenges with Seal Kits

  • Fitting Issues Due to Manufacturing Variations

    One of the biggest challenges in cylinder repair is that seal kits don’t always fit as expected. Even when purchasing a seal kit that matches the exact part number of your liftgate’s cylinder, differences in manufacturing (even year by year), design changes in the machinery used to manufacture, and wear over time can result in a poor fit.

    A bad seal can lead to continued liftgate repair issues and recurring leaking cylinder problems, making the repair ineffective.

  • Manufacturers Don’t Always Recommend Seal Kits

    Most liftgate manufacturers do not recommend using seal kits on liftgates that are three to five years old. Some manufacturers advise against them after three years, while others extend the recommendation to five years. This is because older cylinders tend to have wear and damage that seal kits cannot fix, such as corrosion, pitting, or internal contamination.

  • Seal Kits Cannot Be Returned and Cannot Be Refunded

    Being sensitive and delicate parts, seal kits are 100% non-returnable and non-refundable. Neither LiftGateMe nor liftgate manufacturers allow returns on these items. If a kit doesn’t fit or fails to resolve the problem, customers are left with an unusable product and wasted money.
  • Root Cause May Not Be a Bad Seal

    Many liftgate issues that appear to be caused by bad seals are actually due to deeper problems within the cylinder. Some manufacturers are even moving away from selling seal kits because they often fail to resolve underlying issues, leading to frustrated customers and recurring problems.
  • Cylinder Damage Can Destroy New Seals Quickly

    Putting a new seal kit in a compromised cylinder usually causes quick failure. Common malfunctions in cylinders include:

    * Scratched, Pitted, or Dented Chrome Rods
    – The cylinder piston moves in and out of the seals, and if the chrome rod is damaged, it will tear up the new seals almost immediately, causing leaks to reappear.

    * Debris Inside the Cylinder – Dirt, metal shavings, or other contaminants inside the cylinder can scratch the interior walls, leading to fluid leaks and rapid seal wear.

    * Corrosion and Internal Pitting – If hydraulic fluid is leaking out, it often means water and dirt are getting in. This leads to corrosion inside the cylinder, causing internal bypassing, which can make the liftgate fall unexpectedly—a serious safety risk.

    * Internal Cylinder Walls Wear Out – Over time, the inner surface of the cylinder can develop pits and scratches, making it impossible for new seals to hold pressure properly.
  • Cylinder Pistons Are No Longer Available

    If the internal piston of the cylinder is damaged, there is no option to replace it. No liftgate manufacturer currently offers replacement pistons, meaning a damaged piston often requires a full cylinder replacement anyway.
An image of a hydraulic cylinder with Corrosion

Corrosion can be a critical issue for hydraulic cylinders.

The Best Alternative: Replace the Cylinder

Considering these complications and risks, your best long-term alternative is to have your whole cylinder replaced and not try to have it repaired with a seal kit. Although a new cylinder will cost a little more initially, it will assure:

  • Proper Fit

    A new cylinder is engineered for your liftgate and will work perfectly.

  • Consistent Performance

    No leak, bypass, or safe failure problem.

  • Long-term Cost Savings

    No repeat failures, additional downtime, and wasted dollars in inefficient maintenance.

  • Increased Security

    A liftgate dropping out of nowhere with a compromised cylinder is a real danger. A new cylinder eradicates that danger.

Of course, taking care of your liftgate properly will help you extend the life of all its components, cylinders included. This will result in a reduction of costly repair requirements. Here's our liftgate maintenance guide to help you achieve that goal.

Comparison of Seal Kits vs Cylinder Replacement

Choosing between a seal kit and a full cylinder replacement comes down to cost, reliability, and long-term performance. Let’s compare the aspects of both options.

FeatureSeal KitsFull Cylinder Replacement
Upfront CostLower initial cost Higher initial investment
Fit & Compatibility May not fit due to manufacturing variations Guaranteed fit for your liftgate model
EffectivenessTemporary fix; may not fully resolve issues Restores full function and reliability
Common Issues Risk of leaks, poor seal, and hidden damage Eliminates recurring problems
Manufacturer Recommendation Often discouraged for older liftgates Recommended for long-term performance
Long-Term Cost Potential repeated failures and additional repairs Cost-effective solution with fewer maintenance needs
Safety & Reliability Risk of unexpected failure and liftgate drop Ensures safe and stable operation

Some Final Thoughts on Seal Kits

Although seal kits may seem like a cost-effective way to address a leaking cylinder, they often come with hidden risks. Issues with fit, undetected internal damage, and premature failure make them an unreliable choice in many liftgate repair situations. For liftgates that are three to five years old or older, most manufacturers advise against seal kits; instead they recommend full cylinder replacement over cylinder repair. If your liftgate cylinder is no longer functioning properly, investing in a new OEM cylinder ensures long-term reliability, optimal performance, and enhanced safety. 

LiftGateMe offers only high-quality OEM liftgate cylinders to maintain your liftgate in perfect shape. If you require guidance in choosing the right part for your model, our team is always ready to assist you and guarantee you get the right one on your first attempt.

Get in contact with us today and explore your best liftgate alternative.

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