July 21, 2018
How to locate your Waltco serial number and model

Your Liftgate's serial number and model are your North Star. Keep them on hand and you'll be able to find the parts or replacement gate you're looking for.
How do I know this is the correct tag?
The tag will be a round red metal tag and say "Waltco" on it. You should also see the labels, serial number, model, date of manufacturing, and capacity on this tag.
Is this the serial number?
Waltco's serial number is almost always a 6 digit number found on the passenger side of the gate. That said, sometimes it's a 4 or 5 digit number if the gate is very old (we're talking 1970-1999 really-should-get-a-new-gate-soon old, but if it works why replace it, right?).

Directions to find it.
Enough talk, if you know what your gate looks like (or even better the model), here are a few quick diagrams to locate it faster than you can say, "aga-flaga-flee-ga-flaga-ish-kan-nish-ka-noga-noga-aga-flaga-flee-ga-flaga-birddddy!" (go head try it and let us know).
Tuck Under models EM and C should be located here

Flip-Away model HLF should be located here

Column and rail lift models MDL, RGL, and WDV should be located here

Have a BZ Cantilever gate? You'll find it on the end of the mount tube most likely:

Have a question? We'd love to hear from you.
No liftgate serial number? Click here for a visual guide to locate it, then contact us.