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Expedited Shipping Liftgate Parts

Yes, we ship Next Day and Second Day Air.  Is it expensive?  Frankly, yes, but so is renting a vehicle for hundreds of dollars when your delivery truck is down.

What is the average shipping rate?

Because items ship from several states depending on availability and proximity to you shipping rates will vary.  In general, we have a good idea over the years of how much the "average" following items cost to ship.  


Item Next Day Second Day
Switch $110 $85
Power Unit $275 $195
Cylinder $225 $175
Seal Kit $60 $40
Platforms NA for NDA NA for 2ND Day
Runner Cables $180 $120

* Price based on a quantity of one *


How do I expedite my order?

Call us for processing.  Unfortunately, with over 25,000 products in our database we do not offer expedited shipping through our online system.

What is your Next Day Air cutoff time?

2pm EST is our cut off for expedited shipping. That said, if it's around 3pm EST we will do our best to ship it same day, but we cannot be promise.  


My Next Day Air order arrived late

After we ship the order, it's at the will of Fedex, UPS, or another delivery service.  We do not affect their process, schedule, or rules that they have set.  In Fedex's terms of service there is a clause which does not hold them liable for late shipments in almost all cases.  Please see clause 19.4 of the following link for more information.



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